You can develop a successful career in massage therapy by completing an educational training program. In the growing massage therapy industry, it is important that a massage therapist complete an effective massage therapy training program that offers a strong curriculum, including specialization, and allows you to prepare for a career in massage therapy.
It is also important to note that in some states, you can not become a massage therapist unless you pass a licensing exam. Choosing a school is important as it prepares you for the exam as well as a career in massage therapy. Requirements for licensing include between 500-1500 hours of classroom education and certain hours applied to specific areas of massage therapy. However, this may vary by the state's legislation, so it is recommended that you check with the school to ensure that they offer all the hours required for the state you wish to practice in.
To enrol in a program for a career in massage therapy, you must have a high school diploma. In some states you must also be 18 years old. Since a career in massage therapy encompasses anatomy, physiology, psychology, and business, having some postsecondary education in these areas is helpful, but not required. You can find out more about training programs that prepare you for a career in massage therapy at the Cortiva Institute by calling 1-866-CORTIVA.
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